190 Proof USP Grade Ethyl-Alcohol Mid America Agri Products / Wheatland, LLC (“MAAPW”) offers a 190 proof USP grade ethyl-alcohol exhibiting non-detectable odor. This product is processed through two separate distillation columns resulting in a clean, odor free USP grade ethyl-alcohol. Our process incorporates strict quality control procedures avoiding in-process cross contamination coupled with stringent contaminant free shipping.
Key Features
- USP ethyl-alcohol by MAAPW is processed through two separate distillation columns resulting in a much higher quality product than single distilled filtered ethanol.
- Secondary distillation reduces impurities well within USP specs.
- Low impurities = odor free (may exhibit a pure alcohol smell).
- Denatured with Bitrex per current FDA guidelines.
- Available Volume: 100,000 gallons per week / 15 truckloads per week / 5 million gallons per year
Quality Control
- MAAPW’s ethyl-alcohol is processed in a standalone facility with separate distillation, storage, and load-out from the fuel ethanol plant effectively eliminating risk of cross contamination.
- Two calibrated GC machines on site in a fully equipped lab.
- Each production batch is GC tested. Then the alcohol is GC tested again after transportation load out.
- MAAPW controls a dedicated fleet of truck trailers that has only hauled our ethyl-alcohol and never any fuel ethanol or petroleum products. Shipping in these trailers is an option on all ethyl-alcohol purchases.
- Controlled transportation with low risk of contamination. Using MAAPW dedicated trailers ensures each truck load of ethyl-alcohol leaves our facility in sealed trailers for quality control documentation at the destination. The trailer is resealed for the return trip for an added layer of control.
For more information on USP ethhyl-alcohol from MAAPW, click here to contact us.